On July 18 we marked the 15th. Anniversary of the attack against the AMIA building, the Jewish Community Center in
This week I will visit
As recorded, in the investigation of the attack to the AMIA site, published in the report of the Attorney General appointed by the Argentinean government,
This is a state that supports terror and its military arm – Hezbollah- which continues to spread destruction and terror in
The world is divided between the terrorists and their extremist followers and those who aspire to peace, freedom and democracy. The only way to preserve our world free of evil assassins will be a struggle in close cooperation with all democracies– a struggle with no concessions – and a boycott of the terrorists.
It is a difficult war in which we, in contrast to our enemies, place ourselves on the side of respect for human life. Terrorists, on the contrary, do not spare any resource, murder innocent civilians, women and children, and take advantage of the civilian population to serve as defense and shelter for their actions. We must all work together to achieve that the terrorists who on two occasions accomplished their designs in